Comment Qubes a permis à GMP de mettre en place sa blockchain pour une transparence totale Grands Moulins de Paris a récemment lancé une nouvelle plateforme de marque avec une nouvelle identité graphique et une nouvelle signature : « un grain d’audace, un choix d’avenir ». L’entreprise met en avant ses trois engagements clés : […]
After 20 years of experience with our customers, we have noticed that all projects are similar but not the same. In a concern of sharing, we wish to set up a real platform of exchanges between our customers. Because we are convinced that communication between systems and machines is an essential step in the optimization of processes and production.
- Share your experience with other Qubes users
- Demonstrate your MES application with Qubes
The CoP is also :
- Discovery of new services offered by Creative IT
- Early access to new functional/technical features of the Qubes solution
Vote for the topics you would like to see addressed in future meetings of the Customer Community of Practice 2022
The subjects having collected the most votes will be treated in priority
Upcoming Creative IT Customer Community of Practice Meetings
Why this Community of Practice ?
Community of Practice in order to work together on topics related to the methodology and implementation of the Qubes solution, to enrich your knowledge of the application and to help you discover other projects.
- The themes of the meetings are proposed by the editor, and chosen unanimously (possible suggestions by the members).
- These working meetings will allow the presentation of feedback on a theme in order to identify Good Practices.
- To make our product range evolve in line with your expectations (evolution of your processes, legislation, technological innovations) are the results of this Community of Practice.